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Small Steps to a Healthier 2017

Its a new year and studies done yearly around this time show that one of the top ‘New Years Resolutions’ or changes people want to commit to relate to health and wellness. These studies almost always also highlight the fact that data from the same people wanting to make these changes a few months down the line find that as many as 90% of these people do not stick to their fitness and eating regimes past 3-5 months. There are always theories bouncing around as to why this is. They mostly land on the idea that these changes are difficult to make and therefore once work, life, and time stealers hit you your motivation and energy levels are instantly reduced and your enthusiasm for exercise and choosing a salad quickly fades. I personally find that clients tend to go too big too soon and get very disappointed when they don’t see immediate results. Here are some SMALL, EASY changes or tips that can actually make a huge diffidence over time. Remember it didn’t take a month to put on the weight or lose the fitness levels you are experiencing now so allow your body the time it needs to readjust. And ENJOY the journey to wellness!

  1. Your mind is your biggest ally! With this is mind ;) flood your life with positive motivational pictures and thoughts. Take time out to relax, taking a deep breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth every day for at least 5min. I also ask clients to take more note of their breathing while eating. To slow the experience down, enjoy every bite and breathe deeply between bites as well.

  2. Planning always helps. Plan and or make lunches and even breakfasts (for those of you who skip breakfast) the night before. Soaking oats overnight in almond milk for example is such a treat to wake up to. Plan for social events as well by never going out starving and being aware of your alcoholic beverage intake as these also contribute largely to your calories in for the day and are mostly overlooked.

  3. Make your plate bright and light with fruits and vegetables. Make these foundational and dominate in size on your plate and please sit down to eat all your meals!

  4. Have a carb makeover. Carbohydrates do not automatically = fat. The most important thing is to educate yourself on the kinds of carbs you should be eating, how much you and when to eat them. Try all the many carb free alternatives out there like our beloved cauliflower pizza bases, mashes and rice, zucchini spaghetti etc. But also try and eat good carbs as well like oats, quinoa, brown rice, barley and whole-grain, wholewheat and gluten free alternatives.

  5. Get active. It is a sore spot for many who have mobility issues and or muscle and joint pain or injuries but even as little as 5min of intentional physical activity a day makes a difference. Like parking your car further from your end destination, taking the stairs, adding a 20min walk on the beach into your day and or re-visiting a sport or activity you once enjoyed but stopped doing.

  6. Drink more water! An oldie but a goodie! Order a glass of water with your coffee and finish it. Infused your water with fresh mint, lemon, fruit or low calorie sugar free drops available if you struggle to get it down. Increased water consumption is correlated to weight loss, reduces hunger and overall body fat.

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